Residential Painting, Exterior Painter, and Commercial Painter in Wenham, MA
Are you looking to change the mood in a particular room, or maybe your whole house in Wenham, MA? Maybe you want to brighten up the office and give it a new look. No matter what your goals are for commercial and residential painting, North Shore Painting Services LLC can help you out. We have been a painting contractor for many years with thousands of clients and have provided both indoor painting and outdoor painting. There are a variety of reasons for having professional painting done, time being just one of the reasons, but also because we can do a better job in a shorter amount of time than if you tackled it yourself. We can also help to choose complementary colors, provide suggestions based on the size of the space, amount of natural light, and more. Contact our residential and commercial painters today to have us come out and provide you with an estimate for your painting project.
Indoor and Outdoor Painting in Wenham
When it comes to exterior painting, what we’ve typically seen has been typical color schemes where the majority is a more neutral color with some brighter colors as accents. However, this is changing where different exterior painting options are choosing to go with bold and bright colors as the major color for the building’s exterior. This makes the building stand out and have a stimulating environment, which can be key in attracting the right people.
For indoor schemes, some are choosing to work with metallic finishes that help to provide a modern look and to exude luxury. This is done strategically for lobbies and reception areas and can even be carried to accent walls as focal points. And no matter what paint color is used indoors or outdoors, sustainable paints that are environmentally made are continually increasing in demand. Reach out to our outdoor and interior painters today.
House Painter in Wenham, Massachusetts
If you have ever tried to rush a painting project, then you know how the results end up being far from what you would desire in Wenham, Massachusetts. Attention to detail is key, as the prep work for a painting project is just as important, if not more important, than the painting itself. At North Shore Painting Services, LLC, we take the time to make sure that the surface is properly prepared, items are covered, and small areas will be accounted for, which will make for a beautiful end result.
No matter if you have an interior painting project or want a quality exterior painter, we have delivered for many years. Wenham is closely tied to its neighboring town of Hamilton, sharing a school system, library, recreation department, commuter rail station, and newspaper. In September 1643, the General Court of Massachusetts granted that Wenham should be a town in its own right and send a representative to the General Court. Wenham was settled in 1635 and officially incorporated in 1643. Contact us today to discuss your professional painting needs.
North Shore Painting Services, LLC
North Shore Painting Services provides remodeling and painting services to homes and businesses in Andover, Reading, North Reading, Stoneham, Wakefield, MA, and all of the communities throughout the entire North Shore.
With more than 35 years of experience, we bring quality craftsmanship and comprehensive services to each and every project, big or small. Visit our gallery to get inspired or view our reviews on Yelp and Google. We are certified, insured, and proud members of the Business-Consumer Alliance.