Outdoor Painting and Indoor Painting in Boxford, MA
Choosing the right wall color for indoor painting in Boxford, MA, can make a room feel larger or smaller, and outdoor painting is a way to help protect the building while also making it more attractive. At North Shore Painting Services LLC, we can help you make the right color changes to the inside of your home to help it feel more inviting and spacious, while at the same time providing you with the right exterior paint options to help protect your investment from environmental issues like dust, dirt, rain, and more. Proper painting involves more than just using a brush or a roller, it also includes making sure that the surfaces are properly prepared so that the paint adheres like it should. The last thing you need to see is peeling paint just weeks after it was applied. Contact us today to start the journey to a revamped interior and exterior with paint.
Residential Painting and Commercial Painting in Boxford
Your house painter should be providing details to you about what they will do when they paint any of your interior rooms. Outlet covers, baseboards, window trim, and more should all be addressed for what to do with them all. This is all besides the paint color that you are doing and whether you may want to have multiple coats applied. Residential painting projects tend to be more involved than most people are prepared for, but that means that you have the right contractor who wants to do their best.
The same is true when it comes to commercial painters, as they will need to know various details about the project in order to do the job right. In fact, commercial painting projects can often be more complicated as part of the job may involve doing a more generic paint job in places like warehouses while also needing more attention to detail in places like offices and sales floors.
Painting Contractor in Boxford, Massachusetts
Working with your painting contractor is a key component of having a successful end result in Boxford, Massachusetts. What many people don’t take into account is to provide their exterior and interior painters with a staging area where they will get all of their equipment together before going to the rooms and painting them, plus having a place to store the items taken off the wall or removed from the room. North Shore Painting Services LLC will explain all that we need to make things go smoothly from start to finish.
Whether you need a house painter or a commercial painter, our team will brighten up your space with the right paint scheme. The town’s largest industry—a match factory located on Lawrence Road—opened its doors just after the end of the American Civil War and operated from 1866 to 1905. Boxford is divided into Boxford Village (commonly called East Boxford) and West Boxford Village, corresponding to the respective East and West Boxford centers. Small farms are interspersed throughout Boxford. Stone walls, remnants of old farming land boundaries, meander through the area. Contact us today to get started on your property’s transformation through paint.
North Shore Painting Services, LLC
North Shore Painting Services provides remodeling and painting services to homes and businesses in Andover, Reading, North Reading, Stoneham, Wakefield, MA, and all of the communities throughout the entire North Shore.
With more than 35 years of experience, we bring quality craftsmanship and comprehensive services to each and every project, big or small. Visit our gallery to get inspired or view our reviews on Yelp and Google. We are certified, insured, and proud members of the Business-Consumer Alliance.